San Dimas Loop

Geotechnical Investigation for Pavement Distress within the San Dimas Loop (2021-2022) The project involves the design of the geotechnical repair for the San Dimas Loop. The pavement surface within a segment of the San Dimas Loop/Avenue adjacent to a steep descending slope had some cracks and signs of settlement and/or lateral movement. GAI performed a…

4910 Hampstead Road

Geotechnical Investigation for Pavement Failure at 4910 Hampstead Road (2022) Hampstead Road is a two-way hillside street with ascending and descending slopes. Within the vicinity of 4190 Hampstead Road, the pavement had significant cracking with definite signs of settlement and/or lateral movement. The purpose of the project was to evaluate the stability of the cut-fill…

Colima Road Pavement Assessment

Geotechnical and Pavement Investigation for Colima Road Pavement Assessment (2022) The City of Whittier considered removing and reconstructing the existing pavement section along Colima Road between Lambert Road and Mar Vista Street in Whittier, California. GAI performed a geotechnical and pavement investigation to evaluate the necessity of reworking the subgrade and provided a report that…

4th Street Alley Rehabilitation Project

Geotechnical Investigation for 4th Street Alley Rehabilitation Project (2023) The City of San Bernardino intended to rehabilitate the existing alley on 479 West 4th Street in San Bernardino, California. The proposed rehabilitation included removing and replacing the existing pavement with pavers, installation of large bike racks,  and other beautification works. GAI provided a limited geotechnical…

Cordova Complete Street Project

Geotechnical Monitoring and Materials Testing and Inspection Services for the Cordova Complete Street Project (2023) GAI provided geotechnical and materials inspection and testing for this street improvement project. Our services included providing field monitoring, testing and inspection for the street pavement works, performing laboratory tests on subgrade, base and asphalt materials, and preparing and submitting…

East Bonita Avenue

Geotechnical Pavement Engineering Report for East Bonita Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation (2023) The project involved the pavement rehabilitation of Bonita Avenue between San Dimas Avenue and the eastern City limits approximately 600 feet east of San Dimas Canyon Road in San Dimas, California. The segment of Bonita Avenue within the project limits is approximately 4,700 feet…

Rosemead Boulevard

Resident Inspector Services for Rosemead Boulevard Safety Enhancement and Beautification (2012-2014) The project consisted of over approximately 2 miles of streetscape enhancements on Rosemead Boulevard in the City of Temple City, California. It provided improvements to the right-of-way safety and aesthetics from the southern city limit within the City of Rosemead at the UPRR railroad…

S. Eastern Avenue

Pavement Evaluation, Monitoring, and Inspection for Rehabilitation of S. Eastern Avenue (2014-2015) Eastern Avenue is a major corridor in the City of Commerce, with heavy vehicle and truck traffic connecting to the I-5 Freeway. The existing pavement had faced some major distress and the city intended to replace/overlay the pavement with proper methods. By using…

 Washington Boulevard

Pavement Engineering, Field Inspection and Testing for Washington Boulevard Rehabilitation (2016-2018) Washington Boulevard is a major east-west corridor that passes through the City of Commerce located within the Gateway Cities region. It serves as one of the significant connectors between the I-710 and I-5 Freeways carrying approximately 35,000 vehicles per day, 25% of that being…