Dr. Ariannia is a California-registered Civil and Geotechnical Engineer with over 39 years of experience in the design, supervision, and technical management of major projects in structural and geotechnical fields. He has been involved in major projects such as transportation/transit, power plants, cooling towers, silos, bridges, and medium to high-rise multi-story structures. The breadth of his experience includes geotechnical analysis, field and laboratory testing management, slope stability and liquefaction analysis, seismic hazard evaluation, pile and earth retaining structures design, design, and monitoring of soil improvement solutions, design and implementation of repair and retrofit methods relevant to soils, foundation, and structural behavior for different types of structures. In the last 22 years, he has actively practiced geotechnical engineering and consulting in Southern California. He has been the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for numerous educational, transportation, federal infrastructure, multi-story building, road, bridge, and parking structure projects. Dr. Ariannia has completed value engineering and has worked on several forensic geotechnical projects. Dr. Ariannia is the founder and former chairman of ASCE SoCal Inland Empire Geo-Institute branch.